Am I eligible to apply for (pre-)settled status now that the 30 June 2021 deadline has passed?

    You can apply for (pre-)settled status if you are in one of the following categories:

    • You are an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen, or the family member of an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen, and:
      • you first came to  the UK on or before 31 December 2020, 
      • and since then you have been continuously resident in the UK (see here what continuously resident means in practice)
      • and you have reasonable grounds to apply late after the deadline of 30 June 2021. See our FAQ on late applications
    • You are an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen, or the family member of an EU/EEA/Swiss citizen, who has a historic right of permanent residence, which broadly means:
      • you previously lived in the UK continuously for 5 years (before 31 December 2020) 
      • and you have not been out of the UK for 5 continuous years since that historic 5 year residence
      • and you have reasonable grounds to apply late after the deadline of 30 June 2021.
    • You are the eligible joining family member (see here for information about different types of family members) of an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen sponsor in the UK, and:
      • your EU/EEA/Swiss sponsor was granted pre-settled or settled status, based on their own residence since before 31 December 2020 (i.e. they are not a joining family member themselves)
      • and you are currently outside the UK - see this FAQ for more details of how you may first need to apply for an EUSS Family Permit. (If you are already living in the UK and have not yet made an application, we recommend you seek legal advice.)
    • You currently have pre-settled status but you are now eligible for settled status (or a further grant of pre-settled status - see this FAQ).


    We recommend that you seek legal advice if you are in doubt of your eligibility, or if you are making a late application - see https://www.the3million.org.uk/useful-links for organisations that provide legal advice.

    Note that knowingly applying for a status for which you are not eligible may be considered as deception by the Home Office, is a criminal offence, and may affect your prospects of success in any future UK immigration applications. 

    Please see more information at https://www.workrightscentre.org/brexit/euss-applications-after-30-june-2021

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